QA-SCALE is India Based Startup Company that provides Offshore Development Center (ODC) is a dedicated development center for software design and development, testing database, and technical support activity. It has become a much-wanted need of offshore clients and an inevitable possession of established offshore software development companies. An ODC not only reflects splendid efforts and superb technical skills but also trust, compatibility, mutual respect, and understanding between the service provider and the client, upon which the success of an offshore development center depends. It is a virtual community of software developers who complement your in-house staff remotely and act as per your project requirements and business needs. ODC can perform a variety of services like a complete software development life cycle. The provision of offshore programming is undertaken through an Offshore Development Center, which is comprised of a dedicated team of developers. The team is handpicked to complement the client’s technical requirements. This process aims at providing advantages to the clients and creating long-term substantial business for the ODCs. It works as an extension of the client’s own development team which allows them full transparency and control of the ODCs. 


QA-SCALE’s Software Quality Off-Shore Development Center provides a range of services, including:

QA-SCALE’s Software Quality Off-Shore Development Center provides a cost-effective solution for software development, enabling organizations to leverage the benefits of off-shore development while ensuring high-quality software products.


Objectives in Forming an ODC 

The ultimate goal of an ODC is to be a seamless extension of an organization’s software development. The team’s composition can be changed during the project execution according to the requirements. This customized team, works exclusively on behalf of the client at on-site or off-site in a secure environment and infrastructure designated to meet the client’s development needs/specifications and may include co-branding. Indeed, the closer the synergy between an ODC and an organization’s own development team the better the results. The objective behind an ODC is to provide advantages of technological know-how, cost, and time effectiveness. We offer our clients to quickly ramp up their team’s capability by having a Dedicated Offshore Team in our ODC allowing them access to a huge pool of our talented resources with cost-effectiveness, time efficiency, transparency, and flexibility in resource utilization. 

The main aim of the ODC Center is to:

Forming an Off-Shore Development Center is a strategic decision for organizations that want to reduce the costs of software development while ensuring high-quality software products. By leveraging the benefits of off-shore development, organizations can achieve their software development goals in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

Infrastructure and Support 

Our ODC provides remote management services to manage customers’ IT infrastructure. It incorporates state-of-the-art technology infrastructure with a focus on reliability, security, and scalability. We have a comprehensive physical security setup that ensures all project documents, data and services are secure and protected at all times The services delivered from ODC are as follows:

1. 24×7 Infrastructure Management:

Our ODC gives world-class office premises with all the necessary amenities and infrastructure in place. We provide Multiple Training infrastructures for simultaneous training sessions; in addition, we have Multiple conference rooms with the latest communication systems.

2. Monitoring.

Our ODC provides regular deliverables, and high-quality services and uses a combination of on-site and offshore resources to deliver 24×7 services based on best-of-breed tools and adherence to the best IT process for service delivery.

3. Administration.

Our ODC ensures the protection of intellectual property rights and business relationships, if necessary.

4. Trend-based consulting.

Our ODC model ensures that clients can harness the power of industrialization and globalization to achieve the competitive advantage needed to win in today’s flat world.

Our Development Centers deliver business value through the right combination of cost reduction, skilled professionals, proven processes, and the creation of efficiencies.


Below are three engagement models to choose from when you plan to create an offshore service center. 

Benefits of an Offshore Development

With an offshore development center in place, businesses can delegate their IT operations to the offshore team and focus resources and time on building their core competencies. By setting up an offshore development center, businesses can speed up their product’s time-to-market, providing them with a first movers advantage and edge over their competitors. 

The benefits of Offshore Development are: 

Offshore development provides organizations with a cost-effective solution for software development, enabling them to leverage the benefits of lower labor costs and access to a large pool of skilled talent. With the right offshore development center, organizations can achieve their software development goals in a more efficient and cost-effective manner.

Here is a quick graphical representation of the benefits of an Offshore Development 
